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罗文静 的評分: 5 (罗文静 的個人網頁)

2004-02-13 19:30 寫上來自中国罗文静有以下留言:


埃及ㄉ貝殼 的評分: 0 (埃及ㄉ貝殼 的個人網頁)

2004-02-12 14:27 來自台灣埃及ㄉ貝殼有以下留言:

ㄚ嬤 的評分: 5 (ㄚ嬤 的個人網頁)

2004-02-09 00:23 來自台灣ㄚ嬤有以下留言:


罗文静 的評分: 5 (罗文静 的個人網頁)

2004-02-08 21:20 寫上來自中国罗文静有以下留言:

HI~! 你好啊~!我看了电视上介绍埃及文化的电视节目,其中有介绍到埃及的博物馆,和照片上的一样~!我看到了很多和您照片上一样的物品,好兴奋~!在博物馆的大门上,是不是有一个埃及女人的头像,在大门的上面,我觉得她很漂亮,您呢?

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-09 13:53 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

我倒沒太大印象,也許當時急於走上二樓看圖坦卡門像吧。古埃及美女,著名的當數拉美西斯二世的妻子 Nefertari,她在帝后谷的墓室可美得很,可惜不准拍照。

罗文静 的評分: 5 (罗文静 的個人網頁)

2004-02-08 20:59 寫上來自中国罗文静有以下留言:


Jane 的評分: 0 (Jane 的個人網頁)

2004-02-08 02:34 來自香港Jane有以下留言:

Hello, I left a message in last July. Now i am happy about going. I am going to join in a tour of Wing On.
The babay is two and half now and we cannot take her. She has just recovered from a stomach flu from Yunnan.
Thanks again for your kind suggestion.

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-09 13:56 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Maybe you can buy some souvenir to arouse your baby's interest on Egypt. Then you all visit Egypt again.

Wish you a happy trip!

Daemi 的評分: 4 (Daemi 的個人網頁)

2004-02-07 12:13 來自香港Daemi有以下留言:


Ming 的評分: 4 (Ming 的個人網頁)

2004-02-07 07:37 來自香港Ming有以下留言:

網主好, 大家好,

看到網主的精心傑作後, 今我不禁再次勾起非洲之旅的美好回憶. 我的非洲之旅已經在二OOO年的夏天發生, 同年的秋天結束. 三個月的行程中, 我從肯亞走到南非, 有許多事物令我記憶猶新; 如肯亞的瞭闊大草原, Zanzibar的寫意風光, Malawi海一般大的湖泊等等. 看過閣下之網頁後, 使我也想作一個網頁, 讓那些美好的回憶得以好好保存.

旅途中, 我曾到過數個國家公園, 每個地方都總有它的特色. 請容許我以較長編幅跟大家分享一下各景點:

Kenya的Masai Mara National Park - 特色是一年一度的角馬遷移, 可惜本人沒有親歷其景, 聽說場面十分壯觀, 還有safari車輛被角馬擠得水洩不通的狀況呢!

Mt. Kenya - 風光不算明媚, 一天遊也算不錯.

Kenya的Nakuru NP - 有美麗的flamingo, 遠看就像半邊海岸線給粉紅羽毛包圍著, 目不暇給! 更有只此一家的white rinho, 但犀牛本身不是白色的, 只是它們的角跟一般犀牛有點兒不同.

Tanzania的Serengeti NP - 非常大的國家公園, 但我沒有去...

Tanzania的Ngorongoro crater - 地理環境十分特別, 是一個位於死火山口內國家公園.

Tanzania的Mt.Meru - 是一個比較冷門的去處, 但風景好比宫崎駿筆下的天空之城! 山上的村民十分友善, 由於這裡不是熱門觀光點, 與村民之間的互動反而可以來的比較自然.

Lake Manyara – 動物不算多, 但有獨家Tree-Top Lion, 名副其實獅子都會上樹!

Mt. Kilimanjaro - 我選擇了比較容易的Marangu trail, 途中令我最讚嘆的是在海拔接近4000米的Horombo Hut所看到的風景, 該早起床看見屋外的風景令我畢生難忘, 只看見山下滿佈白雲, 我容易它為”我在雲上的日子”. 網主也是行Marangu trail的吧! 不知道你有沒有遇到相同的奇景呢?
我很幸運地沒有高山反應, 但由於實在太累的關係, 我在5686米的Gilman Point止步, 很可惜並未能到達最高處欣賞日出, 或許這可作為我再次到那兒去的藉口呢!

Zanzibar – 這是我在Tanzania的最後一站, 也是我逗留最久的一個島嶼. 島上的居民大多信奉回教, 每到約定時間, 大大小小的寺院都會響起如戒嚴般警號以提醒男士們到寺內朝拜. Zanzibar 有內市Stone Town, 及外市Zanzibar Town, 到處都是美麗的沙灘. 特色動物有海豚及特大號烏龜.

另外, 我聽朋友說Kenya的Lamu Island也是一個很值得推薦的地方. 但因要乘飛機往返, 所以到那兒的遊客亦相對比較少.

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-07 10:32 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:



Ming 的評分: 4 (Ming 的個人網頁)

2004-02-07 23:03 來自香港Ming有以下回應:

從Zanzibar至南非的旅程, 我不是自助遊的, 我參加了一個42天的truck adventure. 原本這個adventure從歐洲出發, 終點是南非, 而我是中途加入的.

因我最初沒有計劃過在Tanzania之後的行程, 向南行的意念純屬即興. 因此在衡量過自己的時間及財政狀況後, 我在網上找到這個42天的貨車旅行團.

在非洲南部的國家跟東非有很大分別, 非洲南部比較現代化, 相對地東非的民風比較樸素. 東非的國家公園是真正的非洲大草原, 而非洲南部的國家公園就是國家公園而已. 不過, 南部也有自己的特色, 例如Zimbabwe的Victoria瀑布, Namibia的沙漠及海豹, Botswana的Delta等.

Botswana 景點 – Okavango Delta 是一個佔地甚廣的水澤地區, 水深至膝左右, 人們會以自製小木艇所為代步. 另外, Chobe NP是必到之處, 如在旱季, 可以看到大象游泳.

Zambia 與 Zimbabwe 相連, Victoria瀑布位於交界線, 景色十分壯觀. 可在這兒參加white-water rafting, 如遇雨季, 刺激度倍增!

Namibia – 在Swakopmund的Cape Cross Seal Colony有數以萬計的海豹在岸上曬太陽. 此外, 在Sossusvlei沙漠的日出亦令人讚嘆不已.

South Africa – 不容錯過Cape Town的寫意生活, 可到乘山頂纜車到附近的Table mountain遊覽. Robben Island上有一座監獄博物館, 前南非總統曼克拉曾被監獄在此, 小小的博物館刻劃著南非數十年來的歷史. 此外, 想提醒到約翰尼斯堡時必須非常小心保管自己的財物, 因為那兒的罪案率很高!

何世禮 的評分: 4 (何世禮 的個人網頁)

2004-02-23 11:48 來自香港何世禮有以下回應:

網主好, Ming好, 大家好,

偶然間看到這網頁及Ming的介紹後心有同感, 每一個國家公園都有其本色, 只是在觀看動物時間不同而已。10/96我走訪Kenya National Park, 2/97及7/97走訪Tanzania National Park, 每次停留兩星期, 目的只為追踪拍攝野生動物, 每次帶近50卷幻燈片歸來, 資料在"中國旅遊", "相機世界"等雜誌刊登介紹過。
以拍攝為重或旅遊為先? 整個效果都不同。當天本人以400mm f2.8鏡作主要工具, 固希望有意往東非洲safari的朋友要預備長焦距鏡拍攝精采一刻。

Sam Ho

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-23 13:21 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


Candy 的評分: 4 (Candy 的個人網頁)

2004-02-06 13:17 來自台灣Candy有以下留言:

拜託版主答覆囉^^" Thanks

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-07 10:42 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


richard 的評分: 4 (richard 的個人網頁)

2004-02-04 15:31 來自香港richard有以下留言:


I don't have the contact of these 2 girls. I myself joined the local tour operator when I got to Arusha. The name is "Victoria Expedition". But I don't know whether they have office in Dar. And I have already lost their contact information. USD110/DAY is a bit higher. I think you can bargain with them and if you can accept joining with other people, the price should be around USD85/DAY. Actually it should not be a problem if you get there first and shopping around, except you want somebody to pick you up in the airport and arrange all your diving activity and safari for you. One more point: the price does not include the tips which you have to pay to the guide/driver & cook after the trip. It is around 10%,according to what they request us to pay.

Heidi 的評分: 4 (Heidi 的個人網頁)

2004-02-04 11:15 來自香港Heidi有以下留言:

As far as I know, there are still some differences between Kenya and Tanzania for tourists. 1) air ticket for Kenya should be cheaper; 2) less safety in Nairobi, Kenya (tourists are warned not to go out the streets at night); 3) No visa required by Tanzania for HKSAR passport holders; 4) safari facilities in Tanzania may not be as well as in Kenya coz Kenya has got much more tourists for safari. To me, I am much concerned of safety. Remember the bombing in Mobasa, in the east coast of Kenya, back in 2002 or 2003. A club was destroyed and many tourists were died or injured in the bombing.

richard 的評分: 4 (richard 的個人網頁)

2004-02-04 16:12 來自香港richard有以下回應:


I have spent 2 days in Mombasa & the beaches. It did not make me feel dangerous. The beaches is very beautiful, but tourist is not much. Only some locals will come up to you and want you to buy some souvenirs from them. Near Mombasa, there are also some safari tours to Malindi.
In Nairobi, it is really not a good idea to get out at night. But in day time, it should not be a problem. Actually, you won't stay in Nairobi for much time since most of your time is spending on Safari and other activities which should not be in Nairobi.
Comparing the 2 countries, I found more tourists in Tanzania. Maybe most animals can been seen here in this season and trekking to Kilimanjaro is also a good time. Even the road to national parks (Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Lake Manyara) is much better than that of Kenya's.
From Nairobi to Mombasa and back, you can take a day train (around KSH3,000 for first class)or a day bus (Ksh500 for Akamba Bus).If you want to save time, you can take a night bus (Ksh600 for Akamba Bus)starting from 9:00pm and arrive around 6:00am. The road is not so good. If you want to sleep in the bus, it is not a good choice. Or you take the plane.

alice 的評分: 4 (alice 的個人網頁)

2004-02-03 21:11 來自台北alice有以下留言:


Heidi 的評分: 4 (Heidi 的個人網頁)

2004-02-03 14:43 來自香港Heidi有以下留言:

Hi Richard,

Thanks for sharing so valuable information with me and others. Yup, I know that Serengeti National Park is the best place to see the animal migration in Tanzania. As I also want to go to the island – Zanzibar for diving, and my holiday is rather tight, so I can’t afford too much time in transport from Kenya to the northern and the eastern Tanzania. Most likely I will fly direct to Dar Es Salaam. However, there are not much info I have got so far especially information of local tour operators in Tanzania. I have read the Lonely Planet and also emailed and mailed my inquiry to those local travel operators written in the book. Unfortunately, all my emails have been bounced back and I have received only one reply from the travel operators I mailed to so far. Their price is around US$110 per day. Pretty high, isn’t it? In your message, you’ve mentioned to meet 2 HK girls in Serengeti National Park, and they had made advance booking in HK before they go. Can you give me their contacts if you have? I want to contact them to get more info. I really need some help here. However, it seems inappropriate to spend too much space here in this web to talk about my own travel plan. Since you’ve just returned from Tanzania/Kenya, I would like to get more info about your trip and your experience. Appreciated if you could contact me via email at: Anyway, so many thanks for your information shared.


Richard 的評分: 4 (Richard 的個人網頁)

2004-02-03 09:58 來自香港Richard有以下留言:


I have just came back from Tanzania & Kenya. If you want to go for a safari tour in Tanzania, I think Serengeti National Park (North Tanzania) is the most interesting place that you should not miss in this season. Most of the animal has returned back from Kenya for the annual migration. However if you want to get there in Sept/Oct, the migration has already started and most animals of Serengeti may have moved to Kenya side (Masai Mara National Park). There is not much price difference between choosing a tour operator before or after you arrive there since they have already had a common price, around USD85.00 per day for Safari (shared group). I have met 2 HK girls in Serengeti National Park. They told me that they had joined a local tour operator before they left HK and their cost is USD1,100 for 14 days for Tanzania & Kenya National Parks. Choosing tour operator there is more flexible. The main advantage of joining a local tour operator before you left HK is that they can pick you up directly in airport. There is now a direct flight (1 Hour stop in Bangkok) to Kenya (Kenya Airways) from HK and the cost is around HKD5,700. They have a joined network with Northwest and you can get flight mileage (around 10,000 Km)from Northwest. In Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (Nairobi,Kenya), they can drive you to Tanzania for around 4 - 5 hours. Crossing the border is easy and you don't need to pay any charge (or need any Visa) for entering Tanzania for HKSAR Passport. For Kenya, you can get Visa in HK in advance or get it when you arrive there. Price is same, USD50.00. Pls pay attention that in Tanzania, most tour operators don't accept credit card. If you don't have cash, they can take you to ATM (Barclay Bank) to get the advance cash by your MASTER/VISA card. The additional service charge plus interest will be around 5% of the amount you get. Lonely Planet is a very good guide book. I had it with me throughout my trip. Wishing you have a good trip!


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-03 14:26 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


兩國 safari 可有大分別嗎?我想我將來會到肯亞一趟的。

Richard 的評分: 4 (Richard 的個人網頁)

2004-02-04 19:02 來自香港Richard有以下回應:


You have a very impressive website for us to sharing our experience to each others! We have to thank for your effort.
I spent most of my trip in Tanzania do trekking and Safari. Actually, I had visited your website before my trip and it gives me many useful information.
In Kenya, I have not joined any safari. I went to Lake Nakuru and Hell's Gate National Park by myself. Lake Nakuru is a place that you should not miss. In Tanzania, there is no such splendid view of flamingoes. You can ask a Taxi driver in Nakuru Town to drive you in for around Ksh2000 - Ksh3000 (3 hours). This does not include the park entering fee which is USD30 per person and your have to pay for the entrance fee of the car and the drivers (total Ksh400). You can also see white rhinoes in the park.
Hell's Gate National Park allows you to walk inside the park. Cycling is a very good way to explore the park. There is not much animals there. You can find Zebra, Impala, Warthog and some kind of very big mouse. The gorge inside the park quite worth a visit.
If you like water sport,swimming and diving, Mombasa is a place that you should visit. Confronting the Indian Ocean, the beaches there are very beautiful, with very soft, white sand.
Comparing the 2 countries, my experience is Tanzania is a bit better than Kenya. Their roads are better and towns are much cleaner than Kenya's. You can see rubbish anywhere in Kenya. I found much more tourists in Tanzania. Anyway, Kenya still worth a visit especially there is now a direct flight from HK to Nairobi !


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-05 13:06 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


你還會再去非洲 safari 嗎?我很懷念 safari 的日子,到過其他如尼泊爾 safari 亦完全不能相比。我下次 safari 想去非洲南面國家如納米比亞、博茨瓦納和津巴布聿,不過肯亞還是要去的。

Richard 的評分: 4 (Richard 的個人網頁)

2004-02-05 14:22 來自香港Richard有以下回應:

I have the same feeling of you. Originally, my main purpose of my trip is to climb Kili. After the Safari, I have new experience on the wildlifes and would like to know about that. I think Africa is a place that is very attractive for those who like wildlifes. I won't miss it in my future travelling plan.


Heidi 的評分: 4 (Heidi 的個人網頁)

2004-02-02 17:13 來自香港Heidi有以下留言:

Dear Web Master,

Thank you for providing a lot of useful information in the web. I am planning for a safari tour in East Tanzania this autumn. Unfortunately, there is limited inoformation of local safari tour agent info I can get so far. What is the better way to do with whether joining a local safari agent upon arrival or book the tour in advance? Can you introduce the safari agent you joined before? And how about the price of 3-4 days safari?

To other web browers,
I am planning to travel to East Tanzania (Dar Es Salaam and Zanibar Island) in this Sept or Oct for about 2 weeks. I am wondering if anyone are interested and like to join with me. Please contact me via email at

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2004-02-02 22:17 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Pros and cons. Book in advance allows better planning. Join after arrival should be cheaper. Anyway, it makes no harm to ask quotations before you go. I picked my agent by sending mails to several agents listed in the Lonely Planet guidebook. My chosen agent has a web site. You can find it in 相關網頁 of my travel info page. Expects US$70-100 per day (2001 price) for shared safari.

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