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ohno 的評分: 5 (ohno 的個人網頁)

2008-08-10 22:11 來自香港ohno有以下留言:


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2008-08-11 17:36 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

是麼?那就太可惜了。那時仍未有 DC,否則我一定會拍多很多。

詠詠 的評分: 5 (詠詠 的個人網頁)

2008-08-06 12:42 來自台灣詠詠有以下留言:


June 的評分: 4 (June 的個人網頁)

2008-07-26 00:44 來自香港June有以下留言:

Long time no talk. Enjoy ur travel website a lots.

I am planning a long trip to Africa, leaving this Sept. First land at Yemen (a place I always long to go), then fly to Ethiopia, and then see how it goes. The info in ur website is so valuable and I am particularly looking forward to read your 2 under construction site on Africa. Any lucky I can see them before I leave :))?

Thanks. June Wong

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2008-07-26 22:25 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Wow! 又來大旅行,羨慕死人了。可見將來我的工作會較忙,就是兩、三星期的旅行也不知下次要何時 :-(


我非洲南部和埃塞俄比亞兩段旅程都算不上太滿意。前者主要問題是如要實現心目中的行程,須花很多很多的錢(曾有報價要每人七千多美元!仍未全包),最大遺憾是去不成津巴布韋(只到了 Vic Falls);埃塞俄比亞主要因時間不足,沒去到 Lower Omo。


1. 如果有充足時間和有心理準備路況較差,以你到過南美的經驗應可應付在埃塞俄比亞自助遊,當地治安亦不算差,可揹著包在街上走(肯亞、坦桑尼亞便不好了)。當地人一般對中國人都頗敬重,亦時常見到中國人正幫他們修路。整體上這次旅行給我的感覺是埃塞俄比亞是有機會、有希望發展的,但人的積極性便嫌不足(例如很多旅行社好像不願做生意的)。

2. 跳蚤是確實需要面對的問題,重災區是 Lalibela,我後來在臨離開前更在首都的小巴上再次惹上,波及香港的家,幸好很快解決了。我估 Lower Omo 應該也是重災區。

3. Lalibela 有些石室的地很滑,我便重重摔了一交。

4. Aksum 我覺得麻麻地,最高的石柱正維修,影相好核突。現在不知完工了沒有。

5. 我們發覺很多高級酒店的餐廳較其他遊客餐廳貴不了多少,可考慮。Injera 我自己就不合口味了,不過一定要試一次。

6. 又是入境問題!雖然特區護照理論上免簽入 Botswana,但結果我們仍被迫做了落地簽證,很貴(約 100 美元!應不涉個人貪污)如打算前往,最好先試試能否過境前獲得確認免簽證明之類,或乾脆用 BNO。Namibia 和津巴布韋入境沒遇上問題。贊比亞應該有問題(理論上特區護照陸路不能落地簽證,不過據聞首都機場可辦),但結果反而沒問題(我們參加的巴士團代辦全團免簽)。

7. 如打算到津巴布韋或肯亞,要留意最新局勢。

June 的評分: 5 (June 的個人網頁)

2008-10-22 21:25 來自Hong Kong - writing from Kenya :)June有以下回應:

Hello from Kenya.

Today is the beginning of my 2nd month in Africa. Been to Yeman, Ethiopia and now in Kenya.

Yeman is truly wonderful and I strongly recommend.

Your comments on Ethiopia was very right, actually the insects bits was even worse than you mentioned. I was badly hurted. At some points I hv over 100 bites on my body. Very annoying and painful. I took whatever pills/ repellent and medicine I could find, but still not much help. I strongly advise whoever go there should be very well prepared. because of this reason, I skipped the south. Very disappointed.

Kenya on the other hand was really good. I have had a great time here. Noriobi was actually very nice and safe to travel. With resonable sense and care, there is absolutely no problem for a single woman to travel. The only problem is that the country is not cheap. Similiar to HK. Heading to Tanzania in 2 days. Take care and thanks for the info.

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2008-10-23 21:02 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:



布丁 的評分: 5 (布丁 的個人網頁)

2008-06-30 11:30 來自台灣布丁有以下留言:


吳欣儒 的評分: 5 (吳欣儒 的個人網頁)

2008-06-26 14:45 來自台灣吳欣儒有以下留言:

這ㄍ網頁..滿好ㄉ 讓我更喜歡埃及ㄉ歷史 ㄏ

JJ 的評分: 4 (JJ 的個人網頁)

2008-06-23 18:34 來自香港JJ有以下留言:

我和朋友打算7月初往肯亞兩週, 很想知道有關天氣..查看後發覺頗冷,16~21度..不是應該較熱嗎? (除了晚上外). 是否不可全帶夏天衣服..很想多知一些意見..謝

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2008-06-25 11:17 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:



喜歡古埃及歷史的國一女生 的評分: 5 (喜歡古埃及歷史的國一女生 的個人網頁)

2008-06-23 18:26 來自台灣喜歡古埃及歷史的國一女生有以下留言:

我好喜歡埃及,我從6年級剛開始就在研究了! 現在是6年級生國一的暑假,我沒事做,一直在找有關埃及的事情,我最喜歡埃及神裡面的
阿蒙.拉 神
至於 阿布辛貝勒神,我還好,因為我看書上寫說,他可是古埃及判決死後的人的死神唷! 也就是現在的閻王


globetrotter 的評分: 4 (globetrotter 的個人網頁)

2008-06-17 04:19 來自美國globetrotter有以下留言:

I know this is not the right board but I just have one question. When will you finish your Southern Africa website? I took a trip starting in Cape Town going up to Namibia, Botswana, and Vic Fall about 6 months ago. Can't wait to see your photos. When did you take that trip?


<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2008-06-18 13:50 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


我是 2007 年 6 月去的,遺憾那是我近年比較失望的一次旅程。原意是主力玩 Botswana, Zimbabwe 兩國加 Kruger National Park,行程安排上種種不如意令我們最終要浪費時間在南非一些不是首選的地方,Zimbabwe 只到了 Vic Falls,Namibia 只是路過性質。


glotrotter 的評分: 4 (glotrotter 的個人網頁)

2008-06-19 15:46 來自美國glotrotter有以下回應:

Being a lone traveller with no one to share the cost, self-driving is out of question for me. I went on a 21-day camping trip, on an overland truck. I also had a 4-day Kruger N.P. added on after the 21D trip.

In general I'm satisfied with the trip. The thing that irked me most is that the tour group of 23 people was a bit large for me: there was only one empty seat left on the truck, making it felt cramped. And the transition between the Vic Falls trip and the Kruger trip was not handled smoothly either.

Namibia was the highlight of the 21D trip. The tour went to Zim for Vic Falls only. I did walk across the border by myself to the Zambia side of Vic Falls but it rained pretty bad that day.

Originally I wanted to book with a Canadian tour operator (the one who owned the sunken Explorer - I think you know) but their S.A. trips had been booked full. After some research, I found out the Canadian's local S.A. partner and booked directly with them. The routes of the two companies are not exactly the same though.

I wish you have a more enjoyable time next time you are there. As for me, I'm still waiting to see your photos....

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2008-06-19 18:57 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

Thanks for sharing.

We also joined an overland trunk tour for the Botswana-Namibia-Zambia part as well as a few other short local tours in SA.

Just curious. Did you get any trouble when crossing borders? We were forced to acquire an expensive visa when entering Botswana (we used HKSAR passport). However, we got visa waived for Zambia although it should not be so according to official information.

globetrotter 的評分: 4 (globetrotter 的個人網頁)

2008-06-20 02:14 來自美國globetrotter有以下回應:

I’m not a SAR passport holder.

Except for one incident, there was no problem crossing borders. Me and a S. Korean were the only Asians in the group, the rest were Europeans. At the S. Africa-Namibia border, it’s found out that the tour operator had delivered the Korean’s papers wrongly to the Namibia capital instead of to the border. The Korean was left with the lodge and the rest of the group moved on to Namibia. A lodge staff escorted him to catch up with the group the next day.

julie 的評分: 5 (julie 的個人網頁)

2008-06-03 14:48 來自美國julie有以下留言:

Is great I liked.animals are human's friends we should do some thing for them.good job.

julie 的評分: 5 (julie 的個人網頁)

2008-06-03 15:01 來自美國julie有以下回應:

excuse me, why u didn't write anything about wild dogs ?thanks.

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2008-06-03 19:16 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:


Grace Lin 的評分: 4 (Grace Lin 的個人網頁)

2008-05-09 12:01 來自台灣Grace Lin有以下留言:

請問一下,東非牛羚算是羚羊ㄇ...還是牛 ?

多謝簡答 !!

<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2008-05-09 13:24 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:



阿姨 的評分: 5 (阿姨 的個人網頁)

2008-05-07 11:35 來自台灣阿姨有以下留言:


星巴 的評分: 5 (星巴 的個人網頁)

2008-04-29 10:12 來自中國星巴有以下留言:





帥哥 的評分: 5 (帥哥 的個人網頁)

2008-04-28 18:57 寫上來自你不知道的地方帥哥有以下留言:

太棒啦 實現我顯參觀的夢

j 的評分: 4 (j 的個人網頁)

2008-04-27 09:12 來自台灣j有以下留言:


Beth 的評分: 4 (Beth 的個人網頁)

2008-04-24 11:14 來自加拿大Beth有以下留言:


我跟我老最近在計畫蜜月. 考慮去肯亞或是坦尚尼亞.

我們東找西找, 只有一個在我們預算範圍內.

8 days kenya flying safari.

只有到Amboseli National Park, Samburu National Park, and Masai Mara.

各待兩天. 不含國際機票是3500加幣每個人.



<站長> 的評分: 0 (<站長> 的個人網頁)

2008-04-24 13:35 來自香港<站長>有以下回應:

不含國際機票 3500 加幣八天比較貴,我當年一般預算百多美元一天已很多選擇,就算近年油價貴了,我想八天也應在 2500 加幣以內。

你說是 flying safari,可能是途中有包機所以貴,不過大部分人在肯亞乘車 safari 已有很好的收穫,八天亦有足夠時間不用飛。

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